“Angels & Demons” Book Review

For anyone that has read “The Da Vinci Code” or seen the movie, this book is for you. Robert Langdon, the Harvard symbologist, is back in the book “Angels & Demons” and is just as good and suspenseful. I was literally addicted to reading this book, and could not put it down!

Robert Langdon is called to a Swiss research facility (if you watch the “Big Bang Theory” show you will recognize terms used), “to analyze a cryptic symbol seared into the chest of a murdered physician.”

The story follows Langdon to the Vatican where he is responsible in solving the mysteries before anyone else is murdered, or a powerful time bomb goes off.

The Illuminati, a centuries-old underground organization, has a deadly vendetta against the Catholic Church. After the Pope died, all the priests are conveniently gathered together in the same spot to elect the new Pope.

Langdon, and scientist Vittoria Vetra joined forces in Rome on a hunt to solve the mystery before time runs out. As in “The Da Vinci Code,” the symbols and hidden meanings are everywhere, and very creative.

The story makes you question what is real and what was created in the mind of author Dan Brown.

I look forward to reading more stories following Robert Langdon and his symbology.

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