First of all the information on creation is amazing! On the first day God created light, day and night. On the second day, Heaven (expanse) or sky. The third was the Earth, seas and vegetation. Four days in and the sun, moon, and stars were created. Day five God created the sea creatures and things that fly. On the sixth day He created land animals and man. Day seven, He definitely deserved a break. A holy day to rest.
How many people actually use Sunday to rest though? Some attend church, some have a family dinner, some stay in bed all day binge watching shows, some use the time to catch up on housework or run errands, some have “Sunday Funday” and get hammered. I have acted on all types of these Sundays. What did God mean by a holy day to rest? Is church mandatory?
As I continued reading, one part stood out that I completely understood, and found symbolically beautiful; when God created woman for man.
“This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
-Genesis 2:23
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”
-Genesis 2:24
Then, this dumb bitch starts talking to the serpent. You had one job Eve! One job! Don’t eat from the damn tree! How hard was that? It seems to me that she screwed us all with her selfishness. Then, she tried to blame it on the serpent, saying how he deceived her. No, take responsibility. You didn’t listen, and everything changed. I wonder what things would have been like if she had never eaten the fruit? I’m sure every woman would agree she screwed us after reading what God said to her:
“I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”
-Genesis 3:16
And what’s that, “rule over you” stuff? What happened to the “one flesh,” team? Thanks a lot Eve.
“Till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
-Genesis 3:19
Ultimately, this small section should have been easy to understand, but there were still parts I didn’t. I researched “cherubim and a flaming sword” trying to get an idea of what that meant. One source said that the cherubim was/is Archangel Uriel. That I understood because I have read a lot on the angels because I do angel card readings. Is that something that would be known though, or is that a “New Age” concept someone added along the way?
Day one was a success I think. I took notes along the way, highlighted different things, researched some, and asked questions. I am a little nervous as I move forward though since there’s going to be a lot I will struggle with to understand, whether it be the meaning or how things are worded. I am positive and will push on, God help me. One day down, 364 to go!
I will continue to follow you through the Bible, enjoyed your description of Eve.
[…] Day 1, Genesis 1-3 […]
[…] hymn to the Creator. Obviously influenced by Genesis 1, the preexilic author has adapted that account to his different purpose and has subordinated its […]
[…] death is certain to end this satisfaction. In fact, God’s judgement on Adam for his sin (Gen. 3:17-19) echoes throughout the book. Yet the person who lives in the fear of the Lord can enjoy God’s […]
[…] established marriage, including the physical union of a husband and wife (Gen. 2:18-25), and Israelite wisdom literature treasures this aspect of marriage as the appropriate expression […]