Day 134, 2 Chronicles 5-7

Today started with the Ark being brought to the temple, Solomon blessing the people, Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication, and the dedication of the temple which were all previously reviewed on Day 107, 1 Kings 7-8.

Thus Solomon finished the house of the Lord and the king’s house. All that Solomon planned to do in the house of the Lord and his own house he successfully accomplished.

Then the Lord appeared to Solomon in the night and told him he would be with him forever he stayed true to the Lord and followed the commandments and statutes. But the Lord also warned him not to worship other gods or he would cast the people out.

The visit from the Lord was previously studied on Day 108, 1 Kings 9-10.


  1. […] Most likely a Levitical song leader led the recital, while the Levitical choir (1 Chronicles 16:41; 2 Chronicles 5:13; Ezra 3:11) or the worshipers (2 Chronicles 7:3,6; 2 Chronicles 20:21) responded with the refrain […]

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