Day 149, Nehemiah 4-6

As they were building the wall, it caused anger among many people. They all plotted together to go and fight against Jerusalem. They prayed to God to set a guard of protection against them day and night.

Nehemiah had his people position for an attack and said to them, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight.”

When the enemies heard that they knew about their plan, and that God had frustrated it, they all returned to the wall to continue their work. From that day on half the people returned to their work while the other half held their weapons and guard just in case. Everyone was armed, even while building.

They would blow the trumpet if there was trouble and they would all gather to fight, and their God would fight for them.

At this point, the people were all very poor and were still oppressed by the officials for taxes. Nehemiah went to them and asked for their land and property back that they had prior to exile so they would not starve.

The officials agreed to this and said they would restore their things and require nothing from them. Nehemiah called the priests and made the officials swear to do as they promised, or the Lord would “shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not keep this promise.”

Nehemiah was very generous to his people. He was appointed governor in the land of Judah for twelve years. Himself and his brothers would not eat the food allowance of the governor, because the governors before him laid heavy burdens on the people to provide for them from their daily rations. Nehemiah also persevered in the work of the wall.

At his table there were 150 men, Jews and officials, besides those who went to them from the nations around them. The only things that were prepared for him each day was one ox and six sheep and birds. Every ten days there was all kinds of an abundance of wine.

Nehemiah said, “Remember for my good, O my God, all that I have done for this people.”

Then the enemies sent for Nehemiah saying they wanted to meet, but Nehemiah knew they meant to do him harm. They sent for him four times, and received the same response each time. On the fifth time they sent a letter saying that the wall was being rebuilt because they planned to rebel against the king of Judah and that Nehemiah planned to be king.

Nehemiah responded to them saying that nothing they had said was true and they had made everything up. He said that they were only trying to frighten them so they would stop working on the wall. And Nehemiah said, “O God, strengthen my hands.”

After fifty-two days the wall was finished! When all their enemies heard the news they were afraid because they perceived that the work had been accomplished with the help of their God.

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