Obadiah wrote this shortest book of the Old Testament probably soon after the armies of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem (586 B.C.). During this conquest, the people of Edom helped capture fleeing Israelites and turn them over to the Babylonians. They even took up residence in some Judean villages.
This angered the Lord, for the Edomites, as descendants of Esau, were related to the Israelites (Gen. 25:21-26, 30) and therefore should have helped them. Obadiah prophesied that Edom would be repaid for mistreating God’s people.
Obadiah also asserted that God is sovereign over the nations and that the house of Jacob would be restored because of God’s covenant love for his people.
Edom Will Be Humbled
The vision of Obadiah was that an envoy had been sent to the nations, calling them to battle against Edom. Although Edom felt secure with the mountains and wise men, Obadiah announced that God’s judgment on her for her hostility to Israel.
God would cut her down to size and make her small among the nations. Their pride had deceived them and they would be brought down to the ground.
Edom’s Violence Against Jacob
“Because of the violence done to
your brother Jacob,
shame shall cover you,
and you shall be cut off forever.”
-Obadiah 10
“Edom’s violent crimes were all the more reprehensible because they were committed against the brother nation. These terms put in relief the sin of Edom: He did not act like a brother, but was like one of the strangers.”
The Day of the Lord Is Near

For the day of the Lord is near
upon all the nations.
As you have done,
it shall be done to you;
your deeds shall return to your own head.
-Obadiah 15
The day of the Lord brings judgment for the nations (including, but not limited to Edom) and salvation for the house of Jacob. Previously it was stated that the Lord would destroy Edom, using other nations; now it was to be done by God’s people. The final word to Esau was that his house (or nation) would be totally destroyed; there would be no Edomite survivors.
The Kingdom of the Lord
“With Edom annihilated, others would occupy Edomite territory. Having developed the theme of possessing lands around Zion, the prophet now turns to the center. The “deliverers” came from Mount Zion and ruled over the mountains of Esau. The Messiah, the Deliverer par excellence, may ultimately be in view.”
“The kingdom shall be the Lord’s” was the concluding statement of the prophecy and the final outcome of history. The last book of the Bible also echoes this theme.