Day 27, Exodus 28-29

It continued on with more specifics and directions. Today was all about the priests, their garments, and consecration.

Aaron and his sons were appointed priests of the people of Israel and were to serve the Lord. Holy garments were made for them out of the finest linens, gold, and stones. They had a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a coat of checker work, a turban, and a sash.

Aaron would bear the names of the sons of Israel on his breastpiece of judgement on his heart, and would go into the Holy Place to bring regular remembrance to them before the Lord.

Aaron’s sons got coats and sashes and caps that were of glory and beauty. They were to be put on them, so they could anoint, ordain, and consecrate them.

The consecration of the priests was another detailed and specific process that involved offerings: burnt, food, wave, etc. I had no idea there were that many ways to do offerings!

They used bulls, rams, and lambs for offerings as part of this ceremony. The blood was used for different things, and the horns for another, then the fat and insides, all at certain times of the day, etc. It was a lot to take in and try to understand what all was going on.

Then they consecrated the tent of meeting and the altar; and Aaron and his sons were consecrated to serve the Lord as priests.


  1. […] the precise identification of this stone is uncertain. In Exodus 28:20 it appears in the priestly […]

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