I’m not sure why, but this reading was incredibly difficult. I tried two different times to sit down and read it, and just couldn’t focus, concentrate, or get into it. Maybe it’s the repetitiveness of it, or that I’d much rather be continuing and working on Jesus’s story. Either way, today is dragging.
It started off discussing how you should love and serve the Lord by keeping his statues, rules, and commandments. It went over all the things God did for the people of Israel and how their enemies were defeated. The Israelites were to take possession of the land. It explained what the land would be like, and how God would bless it if they obeyed his commandments.
It discussed how there would be a blessing and a curse. A blessing if they obeyed the Lord and a curse if they didn’t. When God brings the people into the land, they were to set the blessing on one mountain and the curse on another. Not entirely sure what that means…
The next section was on the Lord’s chosen place of worship, and more rules on offerings. It was mainly saying how the people could slaughter and eat meat for survival, but they still had to maintain the same rituals for offerings.
It went on to discuss idolatry again and how the people were not to worship any other gods. When they went in to take possession of the land and destroy their enemies, they could not talk with them about their gods or begin to think about following them.
See, today was short and repetitive.