Hello friends!
I’ve been so consumed trying to stay focused and keep up with my Bible Journey lately, that I’ve found I have little motivation left to write any other blog posts. I want to change that!
As much as I love the Bible Journey I am on, it does make it difficult to write posts on other things I enjoy. With school starting back up I have yet to make any new additions to my education posts, and I can only read so fast or make the time to write new book reviews. Not to mention any travel or daily shenanigans that go on in my life.
It sort of makes blogging and writing a chore versus something I started doing because I enjoy it. Which is a total bummer. So, with your help let’s shake things up a bit.
What do I want to do?
I am attempting something that I have not done before to try and liven things up. I am opening up the comment section to questions from readers. Many of my subscribers already know a little about me, but may want to know more or have some questions.
I hope people will play along, and give me something fun to do for a while. I also hope it will help us connect by getting to know each other a little better. If you’ve read a previous post and it resonated with you, have questions on anything, or we have something in common let’s talk about it. Comment what’s going on with you!
Let’s build a community where we can chat with each other and create relationships. Something amazing happen? I want to hear about it. Having a terrible day from hell, I can help. Stuck and need to brainstorm, I’m your girl!
For having a “lifestyle blog,” I don’t really talk about my life a whole lot. In addition to my Bible Journey I want to be able to post about things I’m really interested in: RV life and travel, education and strategies, marriage and relationships, books and writing and the projects I’m working on, my hobbies, my life’s transition since I left teaching, trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life, my next step or plan, goals and how to achieve them, struggles and challenges, daily nonsense, things that piss me off, etc.

How does it work?
How it works is you ask me questions, and if this plan actually works, I will do my best to answer them in either a post or video. I like to think I’m an open book and shoot pretty straight forward. I try to be open and honest with most things.
So, fire away! What would you like to know?
*Something serious or silly. Favorite book or movie. Favorite [blank]. Questions about blogging or previous posts. Biggest fears. Bucket list. About my family or marriage. Stuffed animal or blankie. Pepsi or coke. The options are endless…
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

Let’s connect!
I’m hoping to connect with more people by commenting and engaging in conversation. Let’s follow each other on social media. You have a blog? Drop your link in the comments section and I’ll check it out.
Have a book and want someone to review it, let’s chat!
I’m always open to ideas of things to write posts about. I would love to interview people, have guest spots, collaborate with other bloggers, etc.
If you haven’t subscribed to my blog yet do that now.
Then check me out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest
Want to collaborate or get in touch, just shoot me an email at