For those of you that have never seen Tiffany Jenkin’s videos on her Facebook page “Juggling the Jenkins,” do yourself a favor and check them out immediately. She is hilarious, entertaining, and incredibly creative. https://www.facebook.com/JugglingTheJenkinsBlog/
Being a fan of her videos, I was very happy to hear that she had written a book, and couldn’t wait to read it. It is a true story, based on her life and overcoming an opioid addiction.
Her memoir was so suspenseful and entertaining, I read it in two days and could not put it down!
Every chapter leaves you hanging on with suspense, waiting to see what would happen next. She lays it all out there, and is very candid with her story and her past in a raw and honest way that reads like fiction.
Without giving too much away, she talks about her addiction, going to jail, her attempted suicide, deals she made, and the things she would do to get drugs. All the while living a second life with her boyfriend who was…a cop!
It is very well written and makes you look at addiction in a whole new way. Now, she has a blog, creates videos, is an author, and an inspirational speaker who is out there sharing her story and making people aware of addiction.
I definitely recommend reading “High Achiever,” you will not be disappointed.