How to color code your Bible

If you are a beginner like me, then you’ve probably been researching the best strategies for studying your Bible. Or, if you are a seasoned veteran that has read the Bible many times, then you might have your process down.

No matter where you are in your journey, please comment below with the strategies you use for studying the Bible. I always love when readers offer their advice! It really helps me understand things and give new ideas and perspectives on topics.

Sharing and support for one another is one of the main goals I’m trying to promote by sharing my Bible Study Journey. So let’s work together. We are each others best resources!

In this post I’m going to share and explain the system that I’m using to color code my Bible as I continue my 1 Year Bible Journey.

If you would like to start the journey yourself, you can begin on the first day by clicking: Day 1, Genesis 1-3

You can also join the Facebook group, “Bible Journey” to view and check off study units, see daily posts, get support, share, etc.

First things first, what is a color coding Bible marking system? By marking passages in your Bible, it allows you to further delve into the different themes and key elements of the Bible to further dissect and understand the scripture.

You may be wondering if it is “allowed” to mark in your Bible. Absolutely! Highlighting, underlining, circling, boxing, writing notes in the margins, etc. are all acceptable and will help you on your journey.

Some people are even going as far as to draw, color, paste pictures, or add stickers. This is turning into a journaling technique that makes your Bible almost like a memory book.

You will need to figure out the tools you are going to use: highlighters, colored pencils, highlighting tape, post-it notes, pens, etc. Or maybe a mixture of different ones. It may also be helpful to use a journal to take down notes, which you can be as creative with as you want!

Whatever your style may be, it is right. For me, I wanted to start with highlighting. Maybe that’s the teacher in me, and all the years spent highlighting and taking notes in school.

So, let’s begin! The first thing you will need to do is figure out your color coding system. This means, what colors correlate with what themes. You will need a guide or color chart to help you get and stay organized. You can purchase one or create your own.

I was lucky enough to find a set of highlighters that organized the themes and colors for me! I am using Studio Series Bible Highlighters I found at a bookstore.

  • Color coded to represent Bible study themes
  • Colors lay down smoothly
  • Twist-up mechanism
  • Acid-free pigment won’t smear
  • Double plastic case with snap-top opening protects on the go

Like I mentioned, I love that these had already organized the themes for me, because I so would’ve overthought that part. Also, with not really knowing where or how to start, they helped a lot!

Color Codes

God, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Grace, Salvation, Love

Growth, New Life, Faith

Evil, Sin, Temptation

Prayer, Blessing, Worship

Laws, Instruction, History

There are some days that I highlight a lot and some I don’t at all. I don’t want to go too crazy with it because I’m still just at the beginning this journey. Next time a read the Bible I may be able to highlight more with a better understanding.

That’s another important part. Read the passage first! Do not start highlighting right away, or your entire page will end up getting colored and you may miss out on the things really important to you.

I’ve found that reading a passage a couple times has helped in being specific about what I highlight. Once you reread, then go back and highlight what stands out to you, what you want to go back to, or what you really want to remember.

Please comment below with your studying strategies, processes, ideas, color codes, tools, etc. I would love to learn what everyone else does and what works for them!

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