“You Are A Badass” Book Review

To get a copy of this book, click on the link below to take you right to Amazon to purchase it!

This book was amazing! I recommend it to anyone who is struggling right now, or just needs an extra push of motivation. It really encourages you to get your shit together and do something with your life. It goes through how you got to be this way, how to embrace who you are, how to take control of your life, how to get over your challenges, and of course “how to kick some serious ass.”

The 254 page book consists of five different parts, each one established with a certain goal. The chapters for each part are entertaining and beneficial in helping you feel awesome. That sounds cheesy, but it really did make me feel like I could really accomplish things. It got my brain racing with all sorts of ideas and projects and things I wanted to do. Shortly after finishing the book I started this blog, which is something I’ve wanted to do for years. She tells stories in an entertaining way that not only keeps you engaged and wanting to continue reading, but she has great insights and strategies.

I really liked the aspect of the book that talks about manifesting what you want. Visualizing the outcome and truly believing in it. That was something I never really did before. My cousin has talked about that, but only now I have an understanding of what that actually means and how to do it.

Another aspect of the book that I found incredibly helpful was about help in making decisions. That is something that I desperately struggle with. I couldn’t make a decision to save my life. Explained in my other post “Find Your Happy,” I explained how I was finally able to make a decision. Maybe reading this book, helped with that. To view “Find Your Happy,” visit https://liveandlearnjourney.com/find-your-happy/

I could go on and on talking about the different things in this book that I highlighted and loved (forgiveness, loving yourself, your purpose, how to make your brain your bitch, etc.), but I don’t want to rob you of the excitement of reading it yourself, or get sued…


  1. Debbie Boyer says:

    Enjoying your blog.

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