My Year in the Bible Journey

Today I start a journey. I am setting a goal for myself that in one year’s time, from birthday to birthday, I will read through the Bible from start to finish. In 32 years of life, this is something that I have never done. I’ve completed one Bible Study before and dropped out of another by not making the time to commit to it. This journey is something I want to complete. Not because I need to be saved, although there are some nasty habits I need to break; but rather to get closer to God and to educate and discipline myself.

I am looking forward to reading the Bible everyday and having a planned time to talk to God, read His word, study, reflect, and pray; instead of at night as I’m falling asleep. I have an English Standard Version Holy Bible my husband gave to me for Valentine’s Day in 2011 I will be using. When I got it, I went through and tabbed each section to make things easier to find. For my birthday yesterday I picked out a journal called “My Year in the Bible: A Memory Journal,” that not only gives me room to make notes and reflect on what I’ve read, but gives me a daily reading schedule. Also, I couldn’t resist a chance to get some office supplies, and bought a set of Bible highlighters specific for being used on the delicate pages without smudging or bleeding through. They also have a suggested color-coding system for different themes, which I of course love. I am ready to go!

As I worked on the first day’s reading, it occurred to me why I never got past Genesis when I’ve tried reading before. I have no idea what most of it is talking about or what things actually mean. I will need to find a reference book, study guide, or something along those lines to help explain and clarify. I had to Google a bit already.

If anyone would like to take this challenge with me, follow along, or offer insight when able, I am open to the help. I’ve already asked my husband a dozen questions, and today was just three sections. Wish me luck, I’m going to need it!

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